Ayurveda is a more than 6,000 year old comprehensive system of medicine based on a holistic approach rooted in Vedic culture. Ayurveda, from India, may be the world's oldest intact system of healing, dating from between 3000 and 2000 BC ...

Yoga - The Science of Life
The word "yoga" derives from the Sanskrit word
"yeung" and means "union or join." The name Yoga
comes from a Hindu philosophy used to attain
spiritual insight and harmony, but generally refers
in common use to a system of exercises....

Vastu Shastra - The Ancient Mystic Science of Designing and Building
The State Emblem of India is in adaptation from the
Sarnath Lion, capital of Ashoka the Emperor as
preserved in the Sarnath Museum. The government
adopted the emblem...

Jyotish - The Vedic Astrology
Vedic astrology is an ancient science of astrology
originated in India over 8000 years ago. It is called "Jyotish"
in Hindi, which means "the knowledge or science of
light." Since Vedic astrology or Jyotish is a part
of Vedas (ancient Indian Hindu scripts)...

The Holy Vedas
Veda means knowledge. The word comes from the Sanskrit language and is derived from the verb root vid, 'to know'. The Vedas are considered the earliest literary record of Indo-Aryan civilization, and the most sacred books of India

India is the home of the world's oldest
civilizations. It is traditionally a land of
spirituality and faith. India is a secular state in
which religion plays a major role in the daily life.
Rituals, worship, and other religious activities are
very prominent in an individual's daily life.
Religious festivals are widely observed and hold
great importance for Indians.

Indian Food
The Vast Sub-continent of India offers a range of culinary delights as rich and diverse as its people and history. The essence of Indian Cuisine lies in the variety of desi (local) spices available and the aromas generated by their use. Diversity in climate, in cultures, social habits and the geographic locations contributes greatly to Indian gastronomy. One element unite these diverse styles-- the use of spices to create flavors and aromas distinctive of Indian cuisine. The Flavors of Indian food are appreciated all over the world.

Festivals of India
India is a land of great diversity. It described as
a land of many devotionals and innumerable
languages, it might well be described as a land of
festivals as well. Indians love celebrating every
little occasion from the harvesting of crops,
welcoming the spring or rain, to seeing the full
moon lends itself to joyous celebrations splashed
with colors, music, folk dances and songs. Even the
birthdays of divine beings are celebrated by
connecting them with particular festivals.